Travel Fastpitch Softball Program
What can you expect as a parent and player?
Q -- Can my player play other travel sports?
A -- Yes, we encourage our players to be well-rounded athletes and children; however, we ask that your daughter prioritize her commitment to our team during our primary season... the more we play and practice as a team, the better the team and player will become!
Q -- Can my daughter play, "in house" or “rec” ball in addition to playing travel with the Xplosion?
A -- Yes, the more softball the better and it is important to support local organizations and maintain player friendships. However, we ask that your daughter prioritize her commitment to our team…the more we play and practice as a team, the better the team and player will become!
Q -- How far does the team travel?
A – Team play in the USSSA, PONY, NSA and USA tournaments. Teams play in 6-10 tournaments throughout the spring/summer season--most within an approximate one and a half hour drive. Logistic discussion will be held by the coaches and parents about the possibility of any overnight trips.
Q -- When does the team play / practice?
Fall – Most teams play in three to four round robin scrimmages or tournaments, and one practice each week.
Winter – Indoor practices normally once a week.
Spring & Summer – 1-2 practices a week with scrimmages and tournaments on many weekends.
Q -- What is the cost?
A –Dues range from $500 to around $1,500 plus uniform costs. Each team sets dues based on the team’s needs and schedules. Player and parent involvement in generating money to offset costs through snack bar sales, corporate sponsorships, hosting a tournament and other fundraising events will be critical to keeping personal expenses as low as possible.
Q -- Why the Xplosion softball?
A -- TYA softball has a very proud tradition and has been in existence since 1987. We are registered as a non-profit organization with a board of directors (complete head coach list, board member names & contacts are published on our TYA website) that oversee the program. We are committed to developing your player’s growth at each age. We have teams at all multiple levels that facilitate player’s progress within our program. Xplosion softball is a very competitive level. We believe your daughter will have a terrific experience playing within the TYA organization as part of the Xplosion softball team. We are dedicated and committed to our teams, families and community.